
Here are some of the projects I have worked on. Some are still in progress, while others are completed. I am always looking for new projects to work on, so feel free to reach out if you have an idea you would like to discuss.

Food Ordering App front End

Food Ordering App front End

I am developing an online food ordering web application inspired by Just Eat. This project utilizes modern frontend development techniques with React and TypeScript. I have deployed it on Render and used Shadcn for the UI components. The site is still under development, as is common with many personal hobby projects.

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TonyEats backend plartform

TonyEats backend plartform

The backend of my online food ordering web application is built with modern technologies. It uses MongoDB for the database, TypeScript with Node.js and Express for the server, and OAuth for authentication. This setup ensures a robust, scalable, and secure backend architecture.

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